ATV riders in the state of Iowa who are ages 12 through 17 are required to have taken and passed an ATV education course and have an education certificate in their possession when riding on public land, public ice, and designated riding areas and trails, if these areas are signed open to ATV use.
In person and online courses are available. For more information on in-person courses, visit:
Information on State and National Online courses to fulfill the requirement are below.
ATV Safety Institute Training
Register online or call 1-800-887-2887 to enroll in the ATV training course nearest you. Certified instructors and courses are located throughout the state. provides an Iowa-approved online safety course with no riding requirement.
Motorcycle safety courses are also available:
Motorcycle Safety Foundation
Dirt Bike School – For the off-highway motorcycle MSF RiderCourse® location nearest you, call 1-877-288-7093.